Healing & Recovery:
This page addresses the special needs of folks going through healing & recovery as well as the challenges faced by professionals, family, and volunteers who come to the aid of those in need of support. Whether the diagnosis is physical such as illness or injury, or if one is coping with mental & emotional conditions such as addiction, PTSD, co-dependency, or depression, Ann has you in mind and heart. She offers specially-crafted audio/visual resources along with her hand of fellowship to lift your spirits and endure with you throughout your journey to recovery.
The Road to Recovery
Healing Songs, Videos, Prayers & Commentary for your life’s journey

Note to you from Ann M. Wolf about healing…
Addiction, Cancer, PTSD, Chronic Pain, Alzheimer’s, Depression, Autism, Accidental or Service-Related Injury, and Trauma…these are words that no one would ever want to utter to describe the condition of a loved one; and it would be equally unimaginable to have to speak of our own journey in such terms. Yet, these days, none of us have to look far beyond our personal circles to find someone who is in the throes of a sudden or chronic health crisis, and if we ourselves are not named among the patients, we could become a caretaker which indeed, presents challenges of its own.
This page will give you an overview of resources I offer with regard to the topic of healing & recovery, and this would be with patients, health-care providers & 1st-responders in mind. You are also welcome to contact me with questions about how my artistics works can more specifically support you or your organization. I am also available to do live presentations on many topics related to healing and here is where you can read more about this.
Thank you for your visit and God keep you in His Peace & Healing Grace.
Ann M. Wolf

Additional remarks
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The Role of Prevention
Suicide Prevention/Crisis Contacts
Redemption & Forgiveness
Dearest Friends;
Redemption is a powerful word that means different things to different people. For some it invokes hope while for others it appears to be a condition of soul that they believe they no longer qualify for.
Nightmares from the Past: I remember when I was working with some Vietnam Vets on a few mini-documentaries some years back, too many of them expressed to me that they believed they were “beyond redemption,” leaving them with depression and a feeling of isolation that could barely be put in words anymore. Many of these Vets were relying heavily on alcohol or other prescribed or non-prescription substances to help them get through the long days and nights. To a certain degree some appropriate meds can be helpful, but when abused, the wrong cocktail-mix serves only to compound depression. This, in turn, progresses to more and more health and social problems and sadly for some, results in the taking of their own lives. It is estimated that there are approximately 22 of these veteran suicides per day, an unacceptable state of “veteran’s affairs.”
In sharing more of their stories with me, many attributed their sense of ultimate unworthiness to some actions or conditions that they had been a part of at one time during the war. Others had given up entertaining any thoughts that they deserved to heal after realizing the impact that their PTS had on their marriages, kids, or jobs; some vets who had seen combat were often unable to control the behavior that would erupt out of their violent nightmares which took them back each night to the terror they left behind, all chronic conditions that would finally drive loved ones away if left unattended.
When I suggested to them in those conversations that there still are options for them to try in order to find peace, some seemed interested in continuing on the path to healing, but for others, they had already settled deeply into a condition of self-condemnation around which they built, even more walls to be certain that hope would not intrude into their cave of great sorrows. Many would state that the VA was not interested in helping other than to hand them more prescriptions for depression; while others just accepted a fate in hell as fit punishment for their unforgivable deeds of the past.
Veterans and First-Responders are especially at risk of developing this level of numb despair considering the terrible decisions they are put in a position to have to make to say nothing of what deployments to foreign wars or to our own city streets can do to a soul over time. For the rest of us, perhaps we simply might find ourselves in impossible situations one day or make a mistake that produces terrible consequences and we have yet to find our way to the surface of this deep pool to reach the air of new life.
Hope Lives: It is my understanding that Mercy is never given because we “deserve it”; it is granted to us because of the belief that God Himself still has in us and in our potential as souls, should we apply what we have learned in making better choices and especially if what we have experienced can aid us in helping others. Even our worst moments in life can become points of Mercy for another soul as we give of ourselves in the service of others. This completes the circle of love and becomes our living definition of “Redemption.” After all, who better to encourage another brother or sister who is lost in deep suffering than someone who has been there; and failing to rise to accept our own redemption could mean that we will not be in place to help other souls accept theirs when they have reached the point of needing forgiveness. We are not responsible for the choices of others, but light can shine through us on the darkness of their despair and help them find their way.
Mercy is the Door: Therefore I dedicate much of my work directly or indirectly to the issue of Redemption (& healing & forgiveness) because it is my belief that we all are eligible to receive that State of Grace, once we have passed through the Door of Mercy, no matter what we have been through or what we have done. It is only the deceitful voice of darkness that tries to keep us in hell and blinds us to our potential future. It does take humility and courage, however, to ask for help and the same is true of Redemption.
Angel are Waiting: As for those who have disappointed us, it is inevitable that some people will let us down considering that this planet is largely a hospital filled with dysfunctional people run by the patients, but there are commissioned angels who are there, waiting to pick us up and who truly are committed to our healing and one day perhaps, God can use us to help facilitate the healing of others.
Redemption/The Song & Album: This collection of songs is dedicated to the issue of Redemption and Forgiveness in Rock, Blues, Reggae, and AC. You are welcome to explore the songs and lyrics of this album, read artist notes and follow links to watch the videos which I have produced and uploaded thus far with more to come from this album during 2018.
Transformation is a Process: Spiritual growth on planet earth is a process and making mistakes or operating out of unawareness is part of how we learn. I pray, that if you have been led to this page to read this message and if you are among those who have not yet given yourself permission to reach for redemption and healing, that you will lay the burden down and reach into your community for supporters who are waiting to help you through it all. One such group is mentioned in my Video about PTSD where a Nam Vet, my friend Joe Doyle, speaks of his journey of 40 years which finally resulted in a sense of forgiveness, healing, and redemption. He has subsequently dedicated himself to helping other others as a facilitator within the same organization that was able to help him.
Scroll to Watch “PTSD Support – Our Time, Our Turn.”
Meanwhile, all are welcome to any of my Pages, Websites, and Channels for a word or song or anything I have to offer which might help you get through long nights which could bring you to your New Dawn.
I pray that the Peace of God enfold you as you prepare for the best to come.
Ann M. Wolf
Commentary by Ann M. Wolf © 2017
My History with Healing & Recovery
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