Ann would like to thank the following for their contributions to her spiritual growth or artistic works:
To Jesus Christ: I thank you for “Grace unto Salvation” and the Freedom which this gives to my heart & soul.
To my Creator God: I thank you for the abilities & opportunities that have been granted to me in this life, by which I have been able to express a measure the depth of love I feel for You and others; it has been a prayer answered.
To Veterans, First-Responders, & their families: I thank you for your service by which Freedom, Liberty & a safer community are now my birthright; may I live worthy of your sacrifice in the way I love & serve, until my last breath.
To my husband who believes.
To my family: (Wolf, Adams, Byerly) You have inspired music in my soul, all throughout my life. To my children & grandchildren who bring richness & joy into my life and who help me stay focused on living life to the fullest.
Producer: Thank you to my Producer Tracy Collins & his wife Brenda for giving my songs wings; and thank you as well to all the wonderful musicians and creative artists who have helped with production, performance, and artwork throughout the years.
Teachers: Thank you to all the great teachers & facilitators who have appeared in my life, just at the right time for the next step in spiritual growth and discovery, you are loved and deeply appreciated.
In Loving Memory of Rev. G. E. Newmyer: Though I did not meet you in person in this life before you passed from this world, I have gotten to know what an amazing teacher and apostle you were and still are through your soul-changing works and studies that I reference daily. I am in your debt; and it is an honor to share your work and outreach through Message of the Lighthouse Online Library. Thank you as well to your family who also worked tirelessly while you were still with us, to bring forth the remarkable & inspiring Sozo Bible Studies as well as provide student support & guidance for countless developing leaders via the former Sozo Bible Institute. I am doing my best today, to continue that vision you had which now has become my work as well; and one day, I do hope to thank you in person when my work here on earth is done, because I would not have the understanding and freedom of soul I have today without having had your help. If you are looking down from heaven, please say hello to the Lord for me and tell Him I love Him; I know you must be pretty close to Him now.
In Loving Memory of David Collins: You are another amazing visionary who also gave of your heart, mind & soul to create & share the inspirational studies at Online Bible College; I give special thanks to your family and especially Paul & Bunty Collins who continue the work of teaching & preparing spiritual leaders.
Many thanks to those who have offered support along the way, such as: Joyce Johnson, Chester Hatstadt, Nicole DuPont, Bonnie & Robin Raindrop, and Leo Gawroniak, Zhanna Davis, whose commitment and generosity have helped to make all recent recordings & artistic works possible.
Social Media Friends & Family: To all my Facebook & social media friends who bring inspiration & joy.
Regarding Photographic Art & Images used on this website or on any Ann M. Wolf Websites or Videos: Special thanks to the following whose images are seen on this website: Garry F. Freese, Sue Dauber, Jenny Testerman, Mike & Karen Strickland; thank you as well to those photographers who share in the public domain or on Facebook, whose names I was not able to obtain. Thank you all for your work in documenting the activities of our Veterans & Patriots.
Note: YouTube Videos are offered for the purpose of inspiration & education; images & music are either original by Ann M. Wolf or are used by permission, by license, with some images having been obtained from (what the artist believes) are public domain sites. Please advise if any images require additional licenses or permissions. Thank you.
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