This category features ceremonies that honor our 1st-Responders & Veterans as well as discussion about the concerns they face today. Explore the Native American Code Talkers, watch the Missing Man Table and Soldier’s Cross Ceremonies, and learn more about what our Veterans faced during the Vietnam War as well as the challenges they endure today.
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- Acknowledgements & Thank You
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- CD “A Voice for Freedom”
- CD “Blessed Are the Ones”
- CD “Caught Up In His Love”
- CD “Nothin’ But the Blues”
- CD “Patriot’s Heart”
- CD “Recuérdame”
- CD “Redemption”
- CD “Remember Me”
- CD “Sonría”
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1st-Responders (7)
Air Force (5)
american flag (4)
Army (4)
bible (5)
Bill of Rights (4)
Blues (3)
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Christian Biker (6)
Christian Music (5)
christians (4)
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Coast Guard (5)
communion (4)
Constitution (6)
forgiveness (7)
Gold Star Families (4)
Gold Star Mothers (4)
healing (8)
humanitarian (2)
KIA (6)
Liberty (6)
Marines (7)
military (6)
military families (11)
Missing Man Table (2)
Navy (5)
Patriot Bikers (2)
Patriot Guard Riders (5)
patriotic (2)
Patriots (5)
peace (3)
pow/mia (8)
prayer (3)
Price of Freedom (9)
PTSD (8)
recovery (4)
Rolling Thunder (7)
Soldier's Cross Ceremony (3)
veterans (6)
Vietnam Veterans (6)
Vietnam War (6)
Welcome Home Vietnam Veteran (7)
wounded vets (4)
Wounded Warriors (10)
Ann M. Wolf, Voice for Freedom News
- "A Voice for Freedom" New Album is Here! (March 2019) Ann M. Wolf
- "A Voice for Freedom" Album is on it's way! Ann M. Wolf
- Upcoming Releases & Tour Schedule Ann M. Wolf